A sweet and spicy fresh fruit salsa starring kiwi, strawberries, blackberries, and apples; seasoned with cayenne, hot sauce, green salsa, and lime juice....
A very tasty and simple mango salsa. It can also be used over chicken, with fajitas, or with quesadillas. I chop up the ingredients in my food processor...
This salsa is sweet, tart and fresh, like a perfect summer day. Raspberries are blended with the vibrant flavors of jalapeno and cilantro to create a crowd...
If the blueberries are not quite in season I like to do half blueberries and half raspberries, they sweeten it up a lot. It is great with chips or as a...
My family begs me to make this during football season, with or without company coming over. It's so easy to make, that I don't mind. Use caution with the...
With all the kitchen gadgets these days, it's easy to forget that your broiler can do a great job on boneless, skinless chicken thighs. Put the chicken...
This delicious quick and easy shortcut to chilaquiles verdes gives you authentic Mexican flavor without having to go to the effort of roasting tomatillos...
I came up with this topping/side dish while trying to figure out how I could get the only two vegetables my husband eats into one dish. It's great over...
Fresh mild salsa. The flavor is best after it sits for a while as the lime juice will mellow out the flavor of the onion and the salt will bring the juices...
Broiling the tomatillos gives this salsa a subtly smoky taste. If you are sensitive to spicy food, remove the seeds from the peppers. This salsa is perfect...
This is a recipe I came up with while trying to figure out what to do with an over-abundance of rhubarb. I'm not fond of sugary, syrupy rhubarb sauces...
I made this recipe to satisfy my craving for fresh salsa. Since I can't eat raw tomatoes, I substituted tomatillos. It worked! Now I can eat yummy salsa...
Great make-ahead-of-the-game dip! Cheesy (with some surprises), and served with tortilla chips. Keep hot in a slow cooker to last all afternoon and free...
My Salvadoran neighbor made this often and we all went wild for it. Its a wonderfully fresh tasting salsa that can be used as a tortilla chip dip or a...
Pop some tomatoes, onions, serrano peppers, and garlic under the broiler, blend them with spices, cilantro, and lime juice and you've got a yourself a...
Our family favorite. This odd combination makes for a beautiful and delicious treat. I have substituted serrano peppers for a milder salsa, but prefer...
This is a fresh salsa that I submitted to an apple cooking contest. I don't like spicy salsas so it's more flavorful than hot, but you can spice it up...
This is magic in your mouth! Thanks for bringing it to the party Butch! Delicious with tortilla chips or served atop grilled chicken, pork, or mild white...
This is a special salsa that you can serve with Mexican tacos, fajitas, chicken or over eggs. I am from Mexico and we love it !!!. Viva Mexico! Leave the...
I have tried several different recipes for salsa and this is the one my family and friends like the best. I have given it to a lot of people who all loved...
We reduced the sugar and increased the whole grain fiber, making this easy to make fruit salsa and cinnamon tortilla chips healthier than ever. Great as...
My fiance and I came up with this recipe one day when we were making enchiladas for dinner and wanted some homemade salsa to go with it. It's very light...
I was in the produce aisle admiring the beautiful eggplants and I kinda said out loud 'hmmm... wonder what I could do with those?' and a woman answered,...
Watermelon, crushed pineapple, sweet onion, cilantro, orange juice and Tabasco® make a refreshing summer twist on salsa. Bring copies of the recipe whenever...
This recipe is a variation of Sicilian Caponata, which is an eggplant relish served in Sicily as a topping for brushetta or as a condiment served with...
This recipe is a favorite of all my friends. Whenever they come over, they want to leave with a jar. Therefore, when I make it I can 14 GALLONS each time....
This recipe originated from a recipe that was supposed to duplicate that of my favorite Mexican restaurant. I've heavily modified the original recipe and...
This is a spicy-sweet salsa that starts off cool and ends in heat. It's hot, but very refreshing. I keep the seeds in the peppers for maximum heat. This...
An authentic Mexican salsa made with tomatoes, onions, and jalapenos. Serve with tacos, nachos, tortilla chips, black beans, refried beans, or fajitas...
Spicy sauce used for dipping lumpia or egg rolls, or for dipping and drizzling over almost everything if you are a Pacific Islander. This sauce gets stronger...